Friday, December 24, 2004

Knock the stress out of your system before stress knocks you out! :)

This is what happened to me yesterday!!:(

My state last evening :I was completely bogged down and felt like an air pillow pumped up with air to the max and ready to explode any minute. I’m using an air-pillow for an example because a balloon is far too delicate and I definitely do think I’m tougher than that (inflated ego..huh!)

The reason for this state: It definitely wasn’t my day. Everything has been going wrong since morning. I felt sick about everything…the people around, the work, and life on the whole. I started thinking about my College and my Profs’. My Profs’….they suddenly seem to me to be the nicest lot of people under the sun(not so long ago, this wasn’t the way I thought about them although they had their own special place in my mind!).

I had a bad cold and a running nose (which I’m sure you’ll agree, is an extreme test for ones’ patience especially if your mind is processing 100 (other) different threads in parallel). By the end of the day…with all the fire fighting at work, I was certain that my brain is gonna go ahead and get a brain fever or something (forgive me for this erroneous statement on the prospective cause of brain fever, but with all my troubles, this is what I thought yesterday) I had fever (the regular one) and this, I thought, was an indication of the fact that the brain was over worked. I’m sure everybody goes through some days of this sort when you don’t really have the stamina to take up even the normal load of work and stress and you are ‘gifted’ with an extra ‘special’, extra heavy load of both!

Post dinner, I found myself lying between the cozy covers of my mattress reading a book. It was about a Japanese Couple who had decided to separate and yet kept procrastinating the actual separation .I made a mental note that this book would be an excellent specimen to do blogging on. My head felt heavy (partially due to the fever but primarily due to the kind of day I’ve had) I stopped reading and started reflecting on the happenings of the day. I finally fell asleep at about 11pm.

Today has been a very nice day (till now). I’m feeling much better and have been able to handle things better. Everything seems to be brighter than it was yesterday. There’s a lot of work, there’s the same deadline pressure that tags along with any piece of work…but still everything seems to be better.

There’s one very evident and simple fact that dawned on me . Situations don’t change drastically in a day. The People around you don’t get any nicer in a day. It is your own physical and mental state that actually determines the quality of your day.

Do check this link out
It’s about maintaining a Stress diary. Here is an extract

The idea behind Stress Diaries is that, on a regular basis, you record information about the stresses you are experiencing, so that you can analyse these stresses and then manage them. This is important because often these stresses flit in and out of our minds without getting the attention and focus that they deserve.

It also helps capture and analyze the most common sources of stress in your life, Stress Diaries help you to understand:
The causes of stress in more detail;
The levels of stress at which you operate most efficiently; and
How you react to stress, and whether your reactions are appropriate and useful.
Stress Diaries, therefore, give you the important information that you need to manage stress.

On the whole, if you are an organized person at work and additionally record a stress diary, you would be much better off at handling stress. You could even get to be much more productive because you would know under what levels of stress you perform at your peak. Check this out for some info on stress and managing it

So, I stress on the fact that it’s important to get the stress you experience, out of your system. I better stop ‘stressing’ now…’cos I can really hear you stressing on the point that its high time I stop! ;)

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