Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Gazing into a crystal ball!

What makes the future so interesting, amusing and scary all at the same time?

Yes. You said it (if not aloud, at least you thought of it)…it’s the uncertainty factor associated with it.

There are times when I’ve wished that I could predict what’s in store. Had there been a book, which magically produced on its pages, the list of all that the future holds for us, and had there been a test to see if the human kind can hold back the desire to take a peep into it, then, there are many instances in my life when I would have failed miserably.

How do you think it would be if the future were an open book? It might not be that great after all! It could be good, if it’s alterable, but who wouldn’t want everything to go the ‘right’ way for them? This ‘right’ way may not be the right way for others and it may not be the righteous way either. Ultimately, the whole idea of ‘Justice’ in the process of rewarding the deserving will be lost!

All the same, I cannot help desiring for something of this sort when I see the mammoth destruction that the whole of South Asia has faced in the early hours of a Black Sunday owing to an earthquake and some tsunami waves, the byproduct of the quake.

Now that a disaster has struck, I definitely expect a forwarded mail on this, stating that this too was predicted by Nostradamus, from some source with some cryptic passage (the prediction) and a ‘decryption’ text (the mapping to this situation).
As per the prophecies of Nostradamus
(If you wanna know where I picked this from->Nostradamus:Prophecies ),

Continents as you know them now will cease to exist or changedramatically. (I. p52) All the central part of your continent as youknow it will be [spared]. Continents all over the earth will beaffected. The water mass as we know it now will cover a greaterpercentage of the earth. Continents that are connected will be split,divided by water that were not divided by water before. There willnot be any country that is not affected. A large portion of Asia willbe covered with water. Africa will have a channel cutting through it,a new strait. (I. p56)

I don’t have the faintest idea if Nostradamus really predicted this…but I find this very interesting! One can’t help noticing that all the predictions that were made (if they really were) come to light only in the wake of the corresponding catastrophe (corresponding to that prediction, I mean). Sounds fishy doesn’t it??

Check out these links..Pretty interesting!

Predications and speculation on their validity apart, something definitely needs to be done to ensure that we are not so ill prepared to meet the next of Nature’s challenges of this kind, if and when it occurs. I intend to probe into this in the days to come…but, right now, I probably should get myself a crystal ball from the flea market and try my hand at crystal gazing!! :)

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