Thursday, January 06, 2005

Fact or Folklore

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m not aware of any animals getting killed in this tsunami catastrophe. There were no dead animals found on any of the shores. The Sri Lankan Wild life authorities have reported that the killer waves have astonishingly missed out killing any animals. Can’t help wondering how they escaped?

I’ve read and heard of many instances when animals have exhibited a strange ability to sense the approaching danger and keep themselves away from it. Virtually every culture has reported such observations.

Such issues, which have a tint of mystery, coupled with some scientific explanation to de-mystify it altogether (something like Scooby-do’s adventures) definitely capture and hold my interest. Perhaps, there really were witches and they really did communicate with their cats. Perhaps, there’s some truth in the belief that misfortune is round the corner if dogs howl.

Digging deeper, I found some interesting tit-bits on this!

Heres my find for you to take a look at….

National geographic
Animal Sentience

I haven’t found any proven explanation for such behaviors in animals although there are so many theories hanging from mid air.Be it a myth or reality...its interesting either ways, is'nt it?

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