Monday, February 14, 2005

Partners in crime

The Crime:
With all this hype about Valentine’s day (which is nothing more than a marketing gig and nothing less than a 'teen love sick syndrom') , what does it take to bring and hold 2 people together for life?

Awesome Twosome

The Investigation:
Me thinks, bringing two people together is the handiwork of destiny but holding themselves together sure is the handiwork of the twosome concerned.

Happened to come across this recipe. Do try it out when the time comes ;)

1 cup consideration
1 cup courtesy
2 cupfuls flattery carefully concealed
1 gallon faith and trust in each other
2 cupfuls praise
1 small pinch of in-laws
1 reasonable budget, a generous dash of cooperation
3 teaspoon pure extract of "I'm sorry"
1 cup contentment
1 cup each confidence and encouragement
1 large or several small hobbies
1 cup blindness to the other's faults

Stir well and remove any specks of jealousy, temper or criticism. Sweeten well with generous portions of love and keep warm with a steady flame of devotion. Flavor with frequent portions of recreation and a dash of happy memories. Never serve with cold shoulder.

In sync

The Inference:
I believe that the success of a marriage depends heavily on how devoted/loyal the couple is to each other, and how much they trust each other. The rest is all about how to make life interesting….add a sparkle..some spice ‘n sugar!

Nothing comes without a cost. There could be a lot of hard work involved, but the result is a delightful life with some one who would always be with you, no matter what! Some one who’s support and love would remain a constant in this complex mathematical equation of life where everything around is a variable…all but 1!

Him 'n Me

PS: This blog is dedicated to sp! :) . If u wondering who sp is, take a look at the 2 li’ll apes, happily perched on a branch. sp is the li’ll monkey on the left and ...did I mention?….the li’ll monkey on the right, looking straight into your eyes, is none other than me! :D

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