Thursday, January 20, 2005

From Cobwebs to Cables a jiffy!

As a kid, I wasn’t naughty but I’ve got chided abundantly for the habits that I used to pick up from time to time. It used to be more or less seasonal (if I can call it so) . I invariably used to end up with some droll set of habits/ideas after every vacation. The summer hols were the most munificent in terms of the number of new habits that it rendered.

After a week long stay at my Aunt’s place, I got back home and announced to my Mom the next morning that there was a minor change in the way I operate and that I would like to have my glass of milk before I brush my teeth from that day on. I got lectured for an hour on the implications of this habit and when this did not work, my Mom declared that there was a minor change in the way the household operated and that I won’t get anything to drink or eat, till I brush my teeth. So, that’s it. I loitered around for a while, but finally it worked like magic!

At another point in time, when I was a pre-schooler, I had some friends in the neighborhood who had nick names. I came home one evening after playing all day with them and told everybody at home that I would like to be called ‘Pinky’ henceforth and that I wouldn’t respond if people didn’t address me by that name. For the next 1 week or so, I used to turn around spontaneously if somebody called me by my name and then turn back once I remember that they should have called me ‘Pinky’ instead.

All my silly childhood ways apart, everybody gets in and out of various kinds of habits all through life. These habits could range from something as innocent and common-place as singing in the bathroom or reading a newspaper every morning, to something that bothers/agitates others such as talking very loudly over the phone or back biting.

Although people have always told us that it’s important to develop good habits ‘cos once developed, they die hard, we still tend to get into habits that we ourselves would desire to (and struggle to) get rid off later on. Habits turn from cobwebs to cables really fast!

All the same, habits are a two edged sword. If you could prioritize effectiveness ahead of convenience, you would soon be comfortable with the most effectual habits. Check out Stephen.R.Covey's best seller ‘7 habits of Highly effective people’ (the link only gives you a summary of what the book contains)

All tall talks…btw, have you noticed that every para of this post starts with an ‘A’? (NO!!..I didn’t do it intentionally *giggle* ). Hope I’m not habituated to this now! ;)

The chains of habits are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

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