Sunday, January 09, 2005

Eternal Companions

Each of these companions is elegantly dressed and has something unique and interesting to offer (I would call them ‘Xs’ from now on). There are some people who constantly seek their company and are badly addicted to them (I would call these people ‘Ys’ from now on). Most often the people who are destined to dwell in the same house as these addicts (the Ys) have problems getting them away from Xs (taking the Xs away from Ys, rather).

All Ys are not the same when it comes to their passion for Xs. Different Ys prefer different times during the day when they seek the company of Xs. Depending on the magnitude of the addiction, Ys take the Xs with them to the drawing room, the dining room, the bed room and also to the loo. They don’t take Xs with them to the shower though!(to the best of my knowledge…but, the world is a weird place. Probably some Ys do that as well)

Most of the Ys are very touchy about anybody else taking their Xs even if it is for a short span of time. If any of your friends is a Y, then you would better be careful about asking for the company of his/her X because you might end up killing the friendship if something goes wrong (such as you spending too much time with the X or worse still, you physically injuring X) Ys are damn possessive about their Xs-BE WARNED!

Every mind is a blend of ideas, visions, beliefs, ambitions and fears all of which are distilled out of experiences, facts and data that are fed in. These companions I’m talking about are undoubtedly the most interesting source of inputs to our minds. Their attires are of varying hues and textures, and so are the inputs that they would feed into our minds. Nowadays, Xs are very colorfully dressed. You can choose your Xs and they’ll remain your friends forever!

OK .I think I’ve taken this too far. If you’ve not yet guessed who these companions are (I’m sure you have…but if by some stash of bad luck….)…BOOKS thats what its all about (what else could it be?)

I had been to the 28th Annual Book Fair, at the Quaid-e-Millet Government Arts College for Women, on Saturday. This has been organized by the Book sellers’ and Publishers’ association of South India and has been happening for the past 27 years in succession.

There’s a very wide spectrum of books. It takes about 2 to 3 hours to just browse through the collection in all the stalls and believe me, its tiring! With some popcorns and papads, you can make it to the exit with some energy still left in you to check out the ‘seconds sale’ that’s happening in parallel, on either sides of the gate (outside, of course!).

Entirely satisfying, although I didn’t spot some of THE books that I was looking for. This Book fair is on till the 17th of this month. So, what are you waiting for??

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